Specialized trading company of wire and strip material that chiefly handles spring material in steel, wire, piano wire, hard steel wire, and stainless line, etc. : ASADA CORPORATION

Asada is known as the Specialized Trading Company for Special Steel Source for 80 years.

Asada is the Specialized Trading Company that handles spring materials used in daily life such as Automotive supplies (passenger vehicles, motorcycles, construction machines, etc.), Office Machines and Equipment (Printer, pen, puncher, binder, etc.), Household Electrical Appliances (TV, DVD player, refrigerator, cell phone, etc.), Medical Equipment(Syringe, catheter, etc.) and other many applications. Although 80 years have passed since foundation, Asada aims to be a trusted company in alignment with a customer basis at all times, by demonstrating know-how to the utmost.


I will introduce our product line.


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Let’s ask Metaly

Metaly of our character explains Asada Ltd..

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